Words, Worlds and Wonder

Explore answers to frequently asked questions.

What inspired the blog?

I created this blog as a place to store and share my reflections on literature and writing. I read a lot and forget a lot so now I have a safe space for my many musings.

How often do I publish new blog posts?

My goal is to publish a new post every other week, but it very much depends on how busy my writing schedule is. If I’m posting too often, it means I’m procrastinating in regards to my current writing project.

Can readers suggest topics for future blog posts?

Absolutely! I’m also open to book suggestions. I love discovering new authors.

Insights on Life, Framed by Literature

A space to explore the beauty of storytelling, celebrate the joy of reading, and reflect on the human experience through the power of words.

Exploring Life Through Words and Finding Words Through Life

Perspectives on literature, life and the writer’s journey.